Many people are calling the Amazon Kindle the “iPod of books”. It’s really unfortunate that, while it had a chance to change the market the same way the iPod did, Amazon’s shortsighted focus on locking down their content and protecting sales of paper books has made the Kindle an interesting but ultimately flawed device.
It’s pretty simple: many book publishers look at this new medium and ask, “how can I use it to augment my current business model.” I’d like Amazon to challenge that thinking and say to the world, “how can you use this platform to create a new business model?”
There were really two ways to look at the release of the Kindle. On one hand, you could look at it as an extension of the current market, something to fit nicely into the well-defined parameters of the publishing world. Or, you could look at it as something entirely new, something unrestricted by past practices and old ways of thinking.
Clearly, Amazon chose the former. There are advances in the way you can buy and read books. The always-on internet connection is a great idea. But there are no giant leaps. It’s more business-as-usual in a slightly new way.